Discover how the Clearinghouse integrates all of a learner’s accomplishments into a single, secure location — no matter where, when, or how those learning achievements were earned.

Discover how the Clearinghouse integrates all of a learner’s accomplishments into a single, secure location — no matter where, when, or how those learning achievements were earned.
Myhub has been integrated with Badgr, the most popular digital badging platform used by over 25,000 organizations worldwide to provide skills-based digital credential systems for their learners.
Don’t wait. Start the process of changing to Myhub now, so that you and your students are not caught in a bind when Student Self-Service goes offline.
As the Clearinghouse prepares to sunset its popular Student Self-Service, Myhub is available to provide the same features and much more.
Myhub is designed for student convenience offering all the features available in Student Self-Service plus additional capabilities and new features.
Myhub’s administrative dashboard offers an easy-to-use, single-view approach to managing a school’s Myhub account.
Student Self-Service features — now available in Myhub — are supercharged to enable schools that move over to Myhub to benefit from enhanced features.
Attend our webinar on June 9 at 2 pm ET to learn about the Clearinghouse’s data collection beyond a traditional education to include credentials and skills that people attain through lifelong learning!
Student Self-Service is being integrated with Myhub, extending the many time-saving and other benefits available to institutions and their students as well as an improved user experience.
A national, learning and employment record infrastructure will support learners by enabling them and institutions of learning to match their skills and attainment to career positions they are pursuing.