The increase in adult learners in higher education calls for data-driven approaches that cater to their unique needs. To effectively support adult learners, institutions can leverage the Clearinghouse’s Learner Insights solutions.

The increase in adult learners in higher education calls for data-driven approaches that cater to their unique needs. To effectively support adult learners, institutions can leverage the Clearinghouse’s Learner Insights solutions.
Technology continues to change how education advances students’ learning. Discover how degree completion tracking has impacted the role of the registrar in higher education.
Discover what Roberta Hyland, the Clearinghouse’s chief data officer, says about using data to drive meaningful, impactful change for colleges and universities across the country.
Learn about the Clearinghouse’s work to address the education revolution supporting evolving pathways and institutional data needs beyond traditional measures.
The National Student Clearinghouse, the nation’s trusted source for and leading provider of higher education verifications and electronic education record exchanges, has teamed up with OneTen, a coalition designed to close the opportunity gap for Black talent in the United States.
Doug McKenna, George Mason University’s registrar, exhorts registrars to think differently about engaging students early in their careers and boosting the odds that they will complete their programs.
The National Student Clearinghouse research services provide actionable insights that help inform the decision-making of schools, foundations, and the government.
In the fall 2015 beginning postsecondary student cohort, enrolling part time was a significant disadvantage for retention, persistence, and degree attainment.
The Clearinghouse is ready to provide institutions the latest data via the Postsecondary Data Partnership and more to help students succeed.
Learn about new board chairs, vice chairs, and members of the National Student Clearinghouse and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.