Learn the sections of the graduate (diploma) files.

This session is intended for secondary schools active with StudentTracker.



In this lesson, we'll provide an overview of the three sections of the student file that includes your high school students diploma records which will be stored in the Clearinghouse's database. Once your file is successfully processed you won't have to submit the same data again. Please follow the instructions in our videos and have the graduates file submission guide on hand either as a print out or on screen to ensure you successfully complete your data submission. Here's an example of a completed graduates file created using Excel. Data has been entered in all the fields to show how the final layout should look. The file is divided into three sections: header row, student detail rows and trailer row. You must enter data into each section and format it correctly. The following lessons provide details about each section of the file. For the next video, select from whether you plan to create the file from scratch or pull data from your student information systems or SIS.

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