Review the required steps that will allow a user administrator to login to the Clearinghouse portal and access the user administration pages where they can allow other users at their organization to access and view the postsecondary data partnership tableau reports.

Please note new user roles have been added since this video was published. Please see the “Materials” tab for more information. 

Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) User Roles

Role Description Requires Web Id
Data Authorizer Manages permissions to enable and disable access to an institution’s data such as opting in or out of the Student Insights Dashboard. Yes
Data Provider
Billing Receives invoices for the PDP service. No
FTP Receives PDP FTP Mailbox notification emails. FTP Mailbox allows access/view of data submission and analysis ready files. This is for tracking purposes only. No
PDP Data Submission Access the File Submission summary page where users can view the status of submitted data files. This role is required if the user is responsible for submitting PDP data and if the user needs to review errors in the file for re-submission. Yes
View Dashboard Reports Access all PDP dashboards except the financial aid dashboard. Access to the financial aid dashboard requires the separate View Financial Aid Dashboard role.

Please note that a user provided this role will receive access to the dashboards on the following day.

View Financial Aid Dashboard Access the PDP financial aid dashboard. All other dashboards require the separate View Dashboard Reports role.

Please note that a user provided this role will receive access to the dashboards on the following day.

Data Requestor
Billing Receives invoices for the PDP service. No
FTP Receives PDP FTP Mailbox notification emails. FTP Mailbox allows access/view of analysis ready files. This is for tracking purposes only. No
View Dashboard Reports Access all PDP dashboards except the financial aid dashboard. Access to the financial aid dashboard requires the separate View Financial Aid Dashboard role.

Please note that a user provided this role will receive access to the dashboards on the following day.

View Financial Aid Dashboard Access the PDP financial aid dashboard. All other dashboards require the separate View Dashboard Reports role.

Please note that a user provided this role will receive access to the dashboards on the following day.



This tutorial will review the required steps that will allow a user administrator to login to the Clearinghouse portal and access the user administration pages where they can allow other users at their organization to access and view the postsecondary data partnership tableau reports.

In order to get started, please access the national student clearinghouse website.

From there, please click on the User Login link at the top of the page. Which will prompt you to login.

If by chance you’ve forgotten your user name or password, click on the link below to retrieve or reset them respectively.

Once you’ve logged in, click on the “My Account” link towards the top right of your screen.

From there, navigate further to “Manage Users”.

Please read the prompt carefully before you accept. Creating new users and controlling what they can see is your responsibility.

Once you accept the prompt you will then be taken to the “Manage Users” page. Here you will see a list of all existing users.

If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page you will see the option to create new users.

You can also click on an individual user if you want to make changes to their current access.

In this example, I’ve clicked on a user and am now reviewing what roles they’ve been assigned, specific to the Postsecondary Data Partnership.

To briefly describe the roles: The PDP Data Submission role is required for someone to view the status of the data files they submitted and also let them manage those data submission. The View Dashboard Reports enables a user access and the ability to view the PDP Tableau reports. The billing and FTP roles are not applicable at this time.

Let’s provide this user the ability to also view the tableau dashboards. We simply check off the appropriate role and click on the submit button. PLEASE NOTE that it approximately takes 24 hours for the dashboard reports role to take effect. Please advise your user that they may have to wait a full day for their access to become active.

click on the “My Account” link towards the top right of your screen.

We recommend you keep your contacts list updated and review it twice a year. If someone has left your organization or has changed roles and no longer needs access to PDP information, it’s best to deactivate or delete the individual’s profile immediately.

To delete or deactivate a user, click on the My Account link towards the top right of the screen.

Go to “Manage Users”.

Please read the prompt carefully before you accept.

find the user in the table and click on the individual’s name.

Then click Delete (or deactivate) to disable the user’s account.

This concludes our tutorial.

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