Learn about SSCR Error Code 32 and how to correct the SSCR error on the Clearinghouse’s secure site. This error code is related to the Enrollment Effective Date.


Welcome to the tutorial on SSCR error code 32. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain what SSCR error code 32 is, what causes it, and how to resolve the error.

Per the NSLDS, SSCR error code 32 is caused by a certification date on the record that is prior to a previous certification and the anticipated graduation date, enrollment status, or status effective date is different from what was last reported. Error code 32 occurs due to several reasons which will be covered in depth in this tutorial.

The first scenario for error code 32 is a direct update to NSLDS. For this scenario, the error 32 is caused by NSLDS having a record with a newer certification date than the Clearinghouse. Typically, this means that a direct update was made by someone at your school without the same update being done with the Clearinghouse afterwards. The error 32 does not mean that the Clearinghouse record is incorrect; it just means that NSLDS is seeing it as older than their data.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario:
• Samantha Student was attending Hometown University for Spring 2018
• Samantha ended up dropping all her courses on 2/21/2018
• After Samantha dropped all her courses, an employee at Hometown University updated NSLDS to report the Withdrawn status for Samantha effective 2/21/2018
• However, the same Withdrawn status was not reported to the Clearinghouse. When the Clearinghouse responded to the SSCR roster, the previously reported enrolled status for Spring 2018 was reported.
• After this reporting to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? Since NSLDS was updated with the Withdrawn status and the Clearinghouse hadn’t been updated yet, NSLDS had a record that was different and newer than what was reported through the SSCR process. Since NSLDS saw this record as older, it was rejected with an error 32. To resolve the error, review the student’s record through the SSCR error correction platform and make any necessary updates so that the record reflects the update that was made in NSLDS.
Slide 6 Narrator: The next scenario is for error code 32 is conflicting status start dates. The error occurs in this situation due to NSLDS not accepting a record with a separated status (withdrawn, graduated, or deceased) with the same status effective date as an enrolled status that was previously reported.
There are two main instances where this error will occur: The first one is for Students who withdraw prior to census date and are not considered enrolled for the term, however the enrolled status was sent to NSLDS prior to the student withdrawing. Second is for students who were on a leave of absence and didn’t return.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario:
• Frank Freshman is a new student at Hometown University
• Frank was enrolled Full Time for the Spring term effective 1/8/2018. The full time status was reported to the Clearinghouse and subsequently to NSLDS.
• Frank dropped all of his courses before the census date and was considered not enrolled for the term.
• After Frank dropped all of his courses, Hometown University reported Frank to the Clearinghouse as Withdrawn effective 1/8/2018
• After reporting this Withdrawn status to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? NSLDS will not accept a record with a separation status that has the same effective date as a previous enrolled status. In this case because the full time and withdrawn statuses had the same effective date, NSLDS would not accept the withdrawn status and rejected the record with an error 32. To resolve the error, review the student’s record through the SSCR error correction platform and update the status effective date to one day before the original effective date or one day after.

This next scenario for error code 32 is for duplicated certification dates. This scenario typically only occurs for students who are in a Withdrawn or Graduated status. This is due to NSLDS needing two reports of a separated status with different certification dates in order to close out the student’s record and remove them from the roster. The Clearinghouse processes automatically send the second report of a separated status with the certification date from your last file. However, depending on the timing of files and other updates, occasionally NSLDS reporting happens again before the next file is processed which can result in these errors.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario.
Sara Senior is a recent graduate from Hometown University. Sara’s graduated status was successfully reported to the Clearinghouse and was reported to NSLDS through the SSCR process. After reporting this Graduated status to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? NSLDS will not accept a duplicated record without a different certification date. In the case of this student the graduation status was sent to NSLDS twice with the same certification date.
This error will typically self-resolve on the next report to NSLDS as long as there was a new enrollment file processed. You can also re-certify the record through the SSCR error report by submitting the record as is. This will assign a new certification date to the record which should resolve the error.

Our next scenario occurs when a student has a graduated status in NSLDS, but a withdrawn status in the Clearinghouse. The error 32 occurs because NSLDS processes will not allow them to ingest a withdrawn status through the SSCR batch process when there is a previously reported Graduated status and there is no active enrollment in between.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario:
Gina Graduate recently graduated from Hometown University.
The graduated status was updated directly in NSLDS however, a Withdrawn status was reported to the Clearinghouse. After reporting this Withdrawn status to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? NSLDS will not accept a record with a Withdrawn status since there is a previously reported graduated status.
To resolve the error,

  • • Review the student’s record through the SSCR error correction platform and first determine what the student’s separation status is at your school.
  • • If the student did graduate, use the SSCR error platform to update the student to reflect the correct graduated status and the effective date for the graduation status.
  • • If the student did not graduate, then a direct update to NSLDS will be needed to correct the error. Since NSLDS will not accept the Withdrawn status from the Clearinghouse, another direct update to NSLDS is needed to successfully report the Withdrawn status to them. After updating NSLDS with the Withdrawn status, wait at least 24 hours and then do the same update in our system. This will help to prevent the error 32 from coming up again for the first scenario we discussed.

Our next error 32 scenario occurs when the status effective date for a previously reported Withdrawn status is changed. NSLDS will not accept two back-to-back Withdrawn statuses with different status effective dates if there is no active enrollment between them.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario:
Jenna Junior recently Withdrew from Hometown University on 5/1/2019. The Withdrawn status was reported to the Clearinghouse and subsequently to NSLDS. Hometown University updated the Withdrawn status to a status effective date of 5/5/2019. After reporting the new Withdrawn date to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? NSLDS will not accept a change in the status effective date for a Withdrawn status if there was no active enrollment between the two Withdrawn statuses. To resolve the error:

  • • Review the student’s record through the SSCR error correction platform and first determine the correct Withdrawn date for the student
  • • If the new Withdrawn date is correct, update the record to the previous enrolled status and allow that information to go out to NSLDS prior to adding the Withdrawn status with the new status effective date
  • • If the new Withdrawn date is not correct, update the record to reflect the previous Withdrawn date

Our last scenario for the error 32 is Z status records and these typically only occur at the beginning of a new term. Error 32s come up for this reason when NSLDS includes a new student on a school’s roster prior to when the school reported the student to the Clearinghouse.
Since the student is not in the Clearinghouse system, a Z status for student not found is reported to NSLDS. Then when the enrollment file that the student is on is processed and loaded into our system, if the certification date is prior to the certification date of the Z record and is reported to NSLDS the error 32 is returned.

Now we will go over a case study on this scenario:
Ben Bachelor is a new student Hometown University. Hometown University reports Ben as full time on their first of term file which is reported to NSLDS. After reporting this enrolled status to NSLDS, an error 32 was returned.

So why was the error 32 returned? The error was returned because NSLDS was sent a Z status prior to when Hometown University reported Ben as enrolled and the certification date on Ben’s record was before the certification date of the Z status.
Errors for this scenario are typically self-resolving once the next enrollment file is received and processed. They can also be resolved like many of the other error 32 scenarios by re-certifying the record through the SSCR error correction platform. Typically, these error 32s come in large amounts so manual updates may not be possible.

Now we will go over how to review and correct the student’s record.

On the next page, go under the ‘NSLDS Reporting’ tab. This will bring you to the list of SSCR error reports returned for your school with the most recent reports at the top of the list.

Click on the hyperlinked number under the ‘# of Students with Errors’ column to access the list of students with errors.

This will bring you to the list of students with errors. Click on the hyperlinked SSN for the student with error 32 that needs to be corrected.

The next page will show the student’s editable record.

Update the Enrollment information as needed. After updating the record, click the green ‘Submit’ button to send the record to the Clearinghouse for processing.

For additional assistance correcting SSCR error code 732, please reach out to us at SSCRerrors@studentclearinghouse.org.

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