Learn why requests go pending, the verification types, optimal turnaround time, and where to find pending verifications on the Verification Services page.

This session is intended for post-secondary institutions active with DegreeVerify.

Pending verifications can happen when a requestor supplies wrong information or not enough information. A few examples are if the student provides a married name instead of a maiden name, there isn't enough information to definitively confirm the correct student, or we simply don't have a record for that student on file. There are two different verification types degree and dates of attendance that will require your attention. Regarding current enrollment requests, those transactions are confirmed or unable to respond instantly and require no work on your part. While approximately 85 percent of verifications will be automatically confirmed using the information you have already provided to us, about 15 percent won't be able to instantly verify. This estimate can vary depending on how much historical degree information you have provided to us and how often you send recently conferred degree files. For most schools, you will be spending the majority of your time while on the Verification Services page completing pending verifications that are sent to your school. Your Verification Services dashboard is your landing page once you've logged in and clicked on the Verification Services tab. The layout has different sections to easily direct you to where you need to focus your time. We ask that you complete these verifications starting from the top to the bottom as the verification at the top of the list is the oldest and should be prioritized. The optimal completion time for pending requests is within 24 hours or one business day as many of these students are dependent on the results of their verification to obtain different types of opportunities. You will see a banner listed here if you have pending verifications older than three days. As this is a system requirement. We do understand that verifications may come in late Friday night, during the weekend, or on a holiday. We ask that you complete the pending verifications as quickly as you can keeping in mind that it may have been submitted outside of your school's operational hours.

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