Learn to work a pending verification request where a potential match is located.

This session is intended for post-secondary institutions active with DegreeVerify.

Focusing on completing a pending transaction, we will start with this request. You can click anywhere on that specific request to move to the next screen. You will see we have the screen sectioned into request status and request details. Request status provides your school's next steps on how to complete the request by clicking manage request.

Whereas the request details shows the information provided by the requestor that will aid you in your research along with a transaction timeline.

We suggest reviewing the request details for the student first to determine how you can proceed under the manage request drop down menu. The drop down menu is dynamic, so you will see different options depending on request type, if there is a potential match or even if the requestor is looking for a specific degree.

In this example, you will see the blue call out box we are indicating a potential match that has been located and we're asking you to review the potential matches by clicking manage request. Then click potential matches.

This will bring you to the potential student match page where you will be presented with the information provided by the requestor in the original request details.

The next section will show the potential matches available. If one or more of the potential matches is the student in question, then you will put a check mark next to the matching student's records. Once you have selected the correct records, you can click manage request.

You can either close the request with the selected records or add another record in addition to what is already on file.

When it comes to potential matches, you will want to review them carefully as there may be different students with the same name on the list. For example, if the student's name was John Smith and the requestor did not provide a date of birth and you have 20 John Smiths at your school, please do not select every potential match.

Instead, you should complete the verification by clicking manage requests and selecting close as unable to respond. You can then use the pre-populated comments as needed to provide the requestor with additional information to aid them in re-submitting on their request.

You will see when no records are selected some additional closeout options under the manage requests option. You will have the option to add a student record with a degree or dates of attendance.

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