Learn the Transcript Center best practices, including what to do if you forgot your password and locked your account, how often to check your account, and when to upload senior transcripts.

This session is intended for secondary institutions active with Transcript Center.

Let’s review some of the best practices as a Transcript Center user.

First, there should be one user per Transcript Center user account.

If you don’t remember your password, use the forgot your password link to reset it. If you fail to login 3 times, the account will be locked. To unlock the account, you can email K dash 20 transcripts at student clearinghouse dot org.

Now that you have your login credentials, how often should you login? We recommend you login at least once a day to check for any items requiring attention.

And finally, how often should you upload transcripts? We encourage you to upload current senior’s transcripts at least three times a year. Beginning of the fall term, beginning of the spring term, and following high school graduation.

Please note that your FTP account uses different shared credentials than your Transcript user account and you should check with your colleagues before resetting the password.

Never hesitate to ask for help. You can always email us at k-20transcripts@studentclearinghouse.org.

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