Review the required steps that will allow you to login to submit PDP files using FTP.



Welcome. This tutorial will review the required steps that will allow you to login to submit PDP files using the FTP interface.

In order to get started, please access the National Student Clearinghouse website

From there use the FTP Login at the top.

You will now be taken to the FTP login page. Please note the FTP page and the credentials used to login are different than the credentials you would use to manage your data submissions once they've been submitted.

If by chance you’ve forgotten your password, you can us the link below to reset it.

I've now entered my credentials and logged in. Now you can click on the prominently placed Upload icon.

From here, you can drag and drop files to this area or click on browse to select the files you would like to upload. In this example, I'm clicking on browse and then selecting the two files I would like to upload. I'll also click on the Open button.

This shows me the files that I've chosen to upload. And I will now click on the upload button. And this check mark confirms that my files have been submitted to the FTP mailbox.

There are two additional ways you can upload your files.

If you did not install the upload wizard, you can upload files manually. You can add files by dragging and dropping into the home folder on the account homepage. A popup window will appear showing the progress of the upload. Repeat as necessary to upload multiple files.

Alternately, click choose files to select files using your OS explorer. Select the files you would like to open and Click open. Click the Upload button.

If I click on the home folder, I can now view the files that have been placed here. The files may take up to 15 minutes for the files to be picked up from the FTP server and submitted to the application.

Once they are picked up, you will receive a file receipt that simply indicates your files were picked up. It does not mean the success of your files and whether they've passed data validation.

This concludes our tutorial.

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